About the Group
Managing Your Child's Difficult Behavior
Are you struggling to parent a child with difficult behavior? Join other caregivers with similar experiences and concerns to gain the skills and insights needed to ease the challenges of raising children who struggle with impulsivity, defiance, oppositionality, and other disruptive behaviors. Each meeting will include education about an evidence-based strategy, attitude, or approach to foster cooperation and connection with your child, as well as time for group discussion and support. There will be separate groups for children at different developmental stages (ages 7-12 and 13-18).
About the Facilitators
Gwenn Prinbeck, LSW, PCC, MS, MSS
Contact Information
Email for questions: gprinbeck@mainlinetherapysolutions.com
Email for registration: intake@mainlinetherapysolutions.com
Group Fee
$225 for five weeks
Group Location
Main Line Therapy Solutions, LLC, Haverford Road, Haverford, PA, USA
Group Features
parents, in-person, thursday, afternoon, difficult behaviors, evidence-based, family issues