Choo-Choo Charles _TOP_ Crack Status
Choo-Choo Charles They joke frequently in the first episode that the player character is so hideous or other reasons that nobody wants to look directly at them.Arin!Eugene: (Looking above them) Sorry, just lookin' at that forehead pimple you got. Is that a toupee? Dan!Archivist I'm sorry, is there someone flying above me?
After Arin says a forboding looking building seems welcoming:Dan: This looks like where they'd sacrifice virgins to Donkey Kong. I mean King Kong. (laughs) Arin:(laughing) Donkey Kong? (Donkey Kong noises) Dan: He's got the barrel! Arin!Donkey Kong: More banana's please! (sinister voice) And virgins!
They joke a lot about how blasé Sgt. Flint is about his house burning down.Arin!Flint: Well, looks like all my possessions, my dog and my wife are in there. I'll give you the flamethrower if you put out the fire. Wanna go to K-Mart? Dan!Flint: I do feel free now that I have less possessions and probably no wife.
In the second episode, as Arin's running from a cultist, Dan says "Get to the choo-choo!"Arin: That would be a very different movie with just that one line change.
About halfway through the second episode, one of the cultists says "I'm gonna shoot you!", prompting them to crack up and say that it's something they'd say as a silly line as part of a bit. After a little bit, they improvise that line into "Santa Claus is Coming to Town".
After shooting a cultist until the gun overheats, Arin asks "Is he dead?"
As he's being chased, Arin decides to pick a lock, thinking that the game is paused when lockpicking. It doesn't pause and Arin gets killed and they laugh about how bad that went.
The finale has a lengthy bit where they talk about Tony Tiddle and kissing, later saying that the Archivist would need to upgrade their lips to be able to kiss him.
When trying to avoid the swamp monster, Barry, Danny keeps freaking out over Arin's impatience causing Barry to repeatedly get close to the camera, eventually calling Arin a "butt-fucking skank", which he later apologizes for.
They crack up over Pickle Lady and say she's weirder than anything they were joking about and joke that the developers came up with her and her mission at 3AM when they were exhausted and loopy.
They get jump scared by Charlie and Arin does the frightened yelling and screaming, rather than Dan. He later lampshades that he doesn't think he ever had that voice come out of him before.Arin: Oh god it's Charlie! Holy fuck!
When trying to get the blue paint, Arin gets spotted by a cultist and he runs away. After finding the chest where the paint is, he waits a little bit and thinks he lost the cultist. He starts to lockpick the chest and gets shot almost immediately, causing them to laugh that it happened once again.
They start singing the "Here Come the Bananas" from their Sbassbear music reaction video about 3/4 of the way through the finale.
Just before summoning Charlie as they're in the cutscene where Warren Charles warns them not to do it, Charlie attacks and kills them as they laugh incredulously at it.Dan: (Arin starts taking damage) Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fu-? (Charles eats them) Are you serious? (Arin laughs wildly) It killed you during a cutscene? (Allie starts laughing, too) You have gotta be fucking kidding me. That is so unfair!
As they're fighting Charles, they have the return of the "pap pap" from their Trauma Center: Second Opinion playthrough.
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