Learn Anatomy with Samar Mitra Pdf 13: A Three-Volume Book Series
Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13: A Comprehensive Review
If you are looking for a reliable and comprehensive anatomy book that covers all the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, you might want to check out Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13. This book is written by Samar Mitra, a renowned professor of anatomy at Calcutta Medical College, India. He has over 40 years of teaching experience and has authored several books on anatomy, embryology and genetics. His book is one of the most popular and widely used anatomy books in India and abroad.
Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13
In this article, we will review Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 and highlight its main features and benefits. We will also compare it to other anatomy books on the market and answer some frequently asked questions about it. By the end of this article, you will have a better idea of whether Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is the right book for you.
Part 1: Superior Extremities, Inferior Extremities and Abdomen
The first part of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 covers the anatomy of the upper and lower limbs and the abdomen. It consists of nine chapters that deal with various regions, structures, muscles, nerves, vessels and joints of these parts. The chapters are:
Pectoral Region and Clavipectoral Fascia
Scapular Region
Cubital Fossa
Wrist and Hand
Nerves of Superior Extremity
Anterior Abdominal Wall
Inguinal Canal and Inguinal Hernia
Each chapter begins with a brief introduction that outlines the objectives and scope of the chapter. Then, it provides a detailed description of the anatomy of each region or structure, accompanied by clear diagrams, tables and clinical correlations. The diagrams are well-labeled and easy to follow. The tables summarize important information such as nerve supply, blood supply, actions and attachments of muscles. The clinical correlations highlight the relevance of anatomy to common diseases, injuries and procedures.
One of the strengths of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is that it covers both the gross and microscopic anatomy of each part. It also explains the embryological and evolutionary basis of some anatomical features. For example, in the chapter on the wrist and hand, it discusses the development and variations of the carpal bones, the formation and function of the palmar aponeurosis, and the origin and significance of the thenar and hypothenar eminences.
Another strength of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is that it compares and contrasts the anatomy of different parts and regions. For example, in the chapter on the nerves of superior extremity, it compares the brachial plexus with the lumbosacral plexus, and explains the differences in their formation, distribution and clinical implications. It also compares the radial nerve with the ulnar nerve, and highlights their similarities and differences in terms of course, branches and innervation.
Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is a comprehensive and authoritative book on the anatomy of the upper and lower limbs and the abdomen. It covers all the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, with ample diagrams, tables and clinical correlations. It is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing and allied health sciences. It is also a valuable reference for teachers, researchers and practitioners of anatomy.
Part 2: Head and Neck, Thorax and Neuroanatomy
The second part of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 covers the anatomy of the head and neck, thorax and neuroanatomy. It consists of 12 chapters that deal with various regions, structures, organs, systems and functions of these parts. The chapters are:
Each chapter follows a similar format as the first part, with a brief introduction, a detailed description, diagrams, tables and clinical correlations. The diagrams are especially helpful in illustrating the complex anatomy of the head and neck, thorax and neuroanatomy. The tables provide useful information such as cranial nerves, muscles of facial expression, branches of external carotid artery, components of pharyngeal wall, bronchopulmonary segments, mediastinal divisions and cranial fossae.
One of the strengths of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is that it integrates the anatomy of different systems and functions. For example, in the chapter on neuroanatomy, it discusses not only the structure and organization of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS), but also their functions such as sensation, movement, cognition, emotion and autonomic regulation. It also explains the anatomical basis of some neurological disorders such as stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
Another strength of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is that it correlates the anatomy of different parts and regions. For example, in the chapter on thorax, it correlates the anatomy of the heart with that of the lungs, mediastinum and thoracic wall. It also correlates the anatomy of the thorax with that of the abdomen and pelvis. It shows how different structures are related to each other in terms of location, orientation, blood supply, innervation and function.
Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is a comprehensive and authoritative book on the anatomy of the head and neck, thorax and neuroanatomy. It covers all the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, with ample diagrams, tables and clinical correlations. It is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing and allied health sciences. It is also a valuable reference for teachers, researchers and practitioners of anatomy.
Part 3: Osteology, Embryology, Genetics, Surface Marking, Radiological Anatomy and MCQ
The third part of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 covers some additional topics that are important for understanding anatomy. It consists of six chapters that deal with various aspects of osteology, embryology, genetics, surface marking, radiological anatomy and multiple choice questions (MCQ). The chapters are:
Human Skeleton
Ossification of Bones
General Embryology
The Animal Cell
Surface Marking Landmarks of The Head And Neck
Radiological Anatomy and MCQ
Each chapter in this part provides a concise and comprehensive overview of the topic, with relevant diagrams, tables and examples. The diagrams are especially useful in illustrating the osteology, embryology and genetics of various structures and systems. The tables provide useful information such as types of bones, stages of development, cell cycle phases, Mendelian laws and surface marking landmarks. The examples demonstrate the application of anatomy to radiology, genetics and clinical practice.
One of the strengths of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is that it covers some topics that are often neglected or overlooked in other anatomy books. For example, it covers the osteology of the human skeleton in detail, explaining the structure, function and classification of bones, joints and cartilages. It also covers the embryology and genetics of various structures and systems, explaining their development, variations and anomalies. It also covers the surface marking landmarks of the head and neck, thorax and abdomen, explaining their location, significance and clinical relevance.
Another strength of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is that it provides multiple choice questions (MCQ) at the end of each chapter. These MCQ are designed to test the knowledge and understanding of the students on the topics covered in the chapter. They also help the students to prepare for various examinations and assessments. The MCQ are arranged in increasing order of difficulty and complexity. They are accompanied by answers and explanations at the end of the book.
Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is a comprehensive and authoritative book on various aspects of anatomy. It covers all the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, with ample diagrams, tables and clinical correlations. It also covers some additional topics that are important for understanding anatomy. It also provides multiple choice questions to test and reinforce the learning of the students. It is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing and allied health sciences. It is also a valuable reference for teachers, researchers and practitioners of anatomy.
In conclusion, Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is one of the best anatomy books available on the market. It is written by a renowned professor of anatomy with over 40 years of teaching experience. It is published in three volumes that cover all the essential topics in anatomy. It is comprehensive, authoritative, clear, concise and well-illustrated. It is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing and allied health sciences. It is also a valuable reference for teachers, researchers and practitioners of anatomy.
If you are looking for a reliable and comprehensive anatomy book that covers all the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, you should definitely consider buying Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13. You will not regret it.
To buy Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 online, click on this link: ANATOMY: PART 1, ANATOMY: PART 2, ANATOMY: PART 3.
Where can I buy Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13?
You can buy Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 online from various websites such as Google Books, Amazon, Flipkart etc. You can also buy it from your local bookstore or library.
How much does Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 cost?
The price of Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 may vary depending on the website or store you buy it from. However, it is generally affordable and reasonable for such a comprehensive and authoritative book.
Is Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 suitable for beginners or advanced students?
Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13 is suitable for both beginners and advanced students of medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing and allied health sciences. It covers all the essential topics in anatomy in a clear and concise manner, with ample diagrams, tables and clinical correlations. It also covers some additional topics that are important for understanding anatomy. It also provides multiple choice questions to test and reinforce the learning of the students.
How can I contact Samar Mitra for feedback or queries?
You can contact Samar Mitra for feedback or queries by emailing him at samarmitra@gmail.com. You can also follow him on Twitter at @samarmitra or visit his website at www.samarmitra.com.
Are there any online resources or supplements for Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13?
Yes, there are some online resources and supplements for Samar Mitra Anatomy Pdf 13. You can access them by visiting the following links:
Samar Mitra YouTube Channel: This is the official YouTube channel of Samar Mitra, where he uploads videos on various topics in anatomy, embryology and genetics.
Samar Mitra SlideShare: This is the official SlideShare account of Samar Mitra, where he uploads slides on various topics in anatomy, embryology and genetics.
Samar Mitra Quizlet: This is the official Quizlet account of Samar Mitra, where he uploads flashcards and quizzes on various topics in anatomy, embryology and genetics.