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Vitali Isaev

One Piece Episode 467

Blissfully unspoilered One Piece noob takes the plunge and wades through the eight-hundred plus episodes of One Piece for the first time.POSTS: Monday, Thursday, Saturday. TWITTER: @thdray1 Will answer questions there too.DISCUSSION: If you want to join in the One Piece chat, I've set replies to week-long followers only (as spoiler protection). Reblogs work, though, so I'll answer from those too.

One Piece Episode 467

0:08:14.0 Kiera: I love that, Dana. And I also love that you talked about different pieces of your practice can be goals, so this office wanting to renovate certain parts of the practice that should be added in as part of your overhead and then calculate out what you need to do. If you wanna have an office, say trip, calculate how much that's going to cost, add that into your overhead, so then you know what you need to produce to be able to afford that. If we want to bring on more team members, like for example, in Dental A Team, I forecast every single year, okay, great, we're probably gonna bring on two more team members, these people will be getting raises at this time of year, so I pre-calculated all that in, so then I know when I'm setting my annual goal. What does the company need to produce to create in order to also keep our team members healthy and happy to be able to pay for the things that our team wants to be a part of? I also look at when we're buying spaces, when we were adding an HQ, when we look at doing Dental A Team summit in April, what are all those costs going to be for dental practices if we need to buy a Cone Beam?

0:09:19.2 Kiera: If we wanna bring on Itero scanner, things like that, it's just called being proactive versus reactive, but to Dana's point, that's exactly when you build this in. Adding those pieces in, then you build goals around that, that way it comes with ease and grace versus the scramble and the panic at the end of the year, trying to then force this to happen versus easily gliding through your year and making it very simple and attainable as well. I also have looked at that sometimes when I have, let's say I wanna do certain CE or I've wanted to buy certain things, when I have that forecast and I look at it and know how much we have to produce as a company, it also helps me scale and get more realistic of the things that the company needs to buy or hire in order to be realistic as well when setting those goals.

0:11:32.2 Kiera: So setting those goals, yes, I do not miss that piece, but Dana know how do you get a team to buy into this, 'cause I think so many doctors and office managers listening are like, well, we get it, we understand it, but how do we get our team to want to go for 10% growth. Other than just having them listen to the podcast to hear that that's normal, but how do you get a team to buy into wanting to build goals and setting these goals and tracking these goals and getting excited around goals versus looking at it as like a death sentence or... I heard an office today on one of my calls, they said, "We're just making more money for our doctor to be more profitable versus it coming back to us." And I hear that from a lot of team members, so how do you get the team and the doctor aligned and be able to serve and help more patients.

0:18:53.3 Kiera: I would agree, and I love that you just loop all that together, so we went from goals to entire team buy-in and success. And that is full team because that's not just talking about success by naturally, because it's a job, but it's also a fulfillment piece, it's a giving back, it's a contribution more than just us serving in our practices and serving the people that come in our door each day. So I love that you talked about Dana like, we've gotta have our production goals then have lifestyle goals of team and owners, so the way I love to do this and the way I recommend for offices is number one, doctors and owners set up what your dream life is going to be for you that year. Maybe even create a one through 10 year plan for yourself, I had a doctor today say "Kiera, I want to work less, but I'm afraid that if I wanna work less, that that's actually gonna jeopardize the team's growth" and me and the office manager, but said no, because if you want to work less. Fantastic. Let's help you achieve your goals. But then we're gonna get creative with our other associate doctor, we're also going to look at possibly dropping some insurance plans, different things, so that way we can hit our growth goal, plus have that doctor work less so they're actually a better producing dentist, and they have a better work-life balance.

0:20:07.3 Kiera: So don't be... I guess the big piece I wanna drive home on this is don't be afraid to actually say what you want, because I think sometimes owners and doctors are afraid to say what they want for fear of looking greedy or being selfish or not helping their team achieve goals when the bottom line is, you might as well just say what you actually want, 'cause otherwise you're gonna be better and not be a great producer or a great boss or anything. Just be honest with what you want, and then also survey your team or in your one-on-ones, ask your team of what their goals are, find out if there are certain things that you can do... We've done a couple of surveys and there was mention about our benefits not being as high, and so I worked on ways of how could we add in healthcare stipends and how could we add in a financial advisor at our retreat and different things that we could get creative on it doesn't mean I'm gonna roll out a whole health care program. But getting creative, I'm meeting the needs of what our team wants, but if I didn't survey them anonymously, I would never have actually know what they wanted, so I'm really big on also finding out your team members, personal and professional goals as well, to see if we could align all of them, we can't always do it perfectly, but at least getting closer, Dana, any other thoughts you have on personal and professional goals, in addition to that production.

0:25:26.7 Kiera: My recommendation is quarterly, but like you said, Dana, consistently follow up, have it set, and then Dana, I guess the real big outlying piece that we haven't touched on for goal setting is what happens if you have a team member who's not participating, if they are missing their goals consistently, they don't... They're not... Staying accountable to what they say they're going to do. Like, what do you do with that person? And if you are that person, level up, but what do you do with that person?

And for more after this show, make sure to head over to That's where you can find all of the show notes, you can find transcriptions, videos for each episode, and if you got a comment, you can leave me a comment there as well. And please make sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a rating to let everybody know that the show is awesome, and I appreciate that so much. And take care, I promise to keep giving you more powerful, empowering, great content to help you transform your life. Thanks for tuning in.

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So before Healthie, people would basically either try to cobble together like eight or nine different solutions to provide the experience they wanted, or they would spend millions and millions of dollars building in-house trying to piece together. But when you look at these different healthcare organizations, 90% of the functionality they're using ends up really being the same.

But people were trapped in this build versus buy decision where they were really concerned that they wouldn't be able to have a platform flashy enough for them. But the downside of that was just the cost of building that in-house. So Healthie really changes it from a build versus buy decision to a build and buy. So our customers buy the platform. They are able to launch very quickly. But because we're API-first, they are able to extend the pieces that are most unique to them.

I had really, really taken that to heart. And that kind of goes back to the sprinting a marathon piece where eventually, in 2018, it's like, well, this is not really a sustainable thing. And for us to build a sustainable, long-lasting business, for us to have the impact that my co-founder and I and the rest of the people in the company wanted to have, you need to build really a sustainable business and a sustainable lifestyle.

We see all these different care plans in all these different areas, and they end up unique to the company and then even to patients within the company. But to be able to deliver that care plan, there are so many kinds of table stakes things you need that I really describe as boring, difficult, and non-differentiated and can only really negatively impact the company. If you have an appointment with your doctor and the video call works, you're not necessarily thinking more highly of the doctor, but if it doesn't work, if it's a shitty piece of software...

WILL: You can subscribe to the show and find notes along with a complete transcript for this episode at If you have questions or comments, email us at You can find me on Twitter @will23larry. 041b061a72


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