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Teen Therapy Groups (Mon/Thurs)

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Vitali Isaev
Vitali Isaev

Yamaha Jupiter Z1 Service Manual

the jupiter z1 is an excellent synth that is well worth owning. it is capable of producing some great sounds, and it's cheap. it is in no way a bad synth, but it is a less well known synth. this is because the jupiter z1 has been overshadowed by the jupiter 8, and by the more recent juno. in the same way, the juno has been overshadowed by the juno-ii.

Yamaha Jupiter Z1 Service Manual

the juno has some of the best sound quality in the jupiter series. it is typically one of the most expensive jupiter models, but the sound is excellent. for example, my jupiter z1 sounds very similar to the juno, and if you are having problems with the juno, the juno sound is the closest to the jupiter sound in my experience. however, the juno is cheaper than the z1, and you can also get a much better preamp for the juno.

it's a shame that the juno isn't available as a more affordable option for this synth, but i do like this synth a lot. i have many juno-based synths, including the juno-6 and the juno-8, and i've had the jupiter-8 and jupiter-6, and i think the juno-8 is the best of them all. the jupiter-6 sounds very similar to the juno, but it's more interesting and less expensive.

i think the juno has a more musical sound, and the jupiter z1 sounds more like a digital piano. however, the juno is more expensive, but if you want a good synth without spending a lot of money, i think the juno is the way to go. i think the juno is the best jupiter synth ive ever heard, and it has a great sound quality.


Description: These are two therapy groups for teens ages 16...


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