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Since started to charge money for their services, my e-mailaddress has changed... You can now reach me at,or ICQ. The last C/C++ for DJGPP/old dos allegro source can be downloaded from _liauw/2XSAIUT.ZIP.It's 'last' since I'm not really working on it anymore.. And you probablynoticed there's no "versioning" anymore, since I've gotten feedbackfrom zsnes/snes9x users who prefered older versions I decided to justgive them different names ... 2xSaI, Super2xSaI, and SuperEagle, my favoritebeing Super2xSaI... See link above for C/C++ code... For some (opensource) projects which have implemented the code sucessfully see the linkssection. They may or may not have updated versions, customizations done byeither me, or someone else.. 2xSaImmx.asmhas been updated to reflect changes done by myself in the ZSNES source. All 3different engines have equivalent MMX versions now.. (ZSNES is currentlythe only project I know of which is currently up to date, regarding the MMXversions.. Snes9x afaik has an older 'graphically bugged' Super2xSaI mmxversion). Projects which only use C/C++ versions are probably up-to-date.
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