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Alex Sterba
Alex Sterba

Baş Dövlət Yol Polisi İdarəsi: Sürücülük vəsiqəsi, nəqliyyat vasitələrinin qeydiyyatı və texniki baxış

Dovlet Yol Polis Idaresi: The State Traffic Police Department of Azerbaijan

Road safety is a vital issue that affects millions of people around the world every year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.35 million people die, and 50 million people are injured, in road crashes annually. Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 529. In Azerbaijan, official statistics show that 759 people died in road crashes in 2019, and many more were seriously injured. Despite investments in road infrastructure and improved enforcement of traffic rules, road fatalities in Azerbaijan are much higher than in most European countries.

dovlet yol polis idaresi

One of the key institutions that is responsible for ensuring road safety and preventing traffic accidents in Azerbaijan is the Dovlet Yol Polis Idaresi (DYPI), or the State Traffic Police Department. This article will provide an overview of what DYPI is, what are its main functions, how it works to improve road safety and reduce traffic accidents, what are the legal framework and regulations for road traffic in Azerbaijan, what are the statistics and trends of road traffic accidents and fatalities in Azerbaijan, and what are the initiatives and projects for enhancing road safety in Azerbaijan.

The legal framework and regulations for road traffic in Azerbaijan

The main legal document that regulates road traffic in Azerbaijan is the Law on Road Traffic, which was adopted in 1998 and amended several times since then. The Law defines the rights and obligations of traffic participants, the rules of conduct on roads, the responsibilities for violating traffic rules, the procedures for registering vehicles, issuing driving licenses, investigating road accidents, etc. The Law also establishes the DYPI as the main authority for implementing and enforcing the Law on Road Traffic.

In addition to the Law on Road Traffic, another important document that guides the road safety policy in Azerbaijan is the State Road Safety Program for 2019-2023, which was launched by the Government of Azerbaijan in 2018. The Program sets ambitious targets for reducing road traffic injuries by 30% by 2023, compared to 2016 levels. The Program also outlines specific actions and measures to achieve these targets, such as improving road infrastructure, enhancing traffic management, strengthening law enforcement, raising public awareness, developing emergency services, etc.

As part of the legal framework and regulations for road traffic in Azerbaijan, there are also traffic rules and fines for violations that apply to all traffic participants. The traffic rules cover various aspects of driving behavior, such as speed limits, seat belt use, mobile phone use, alcohol consumption, etc. The fines for violating traffic rules range from 10 to 600 Azerbaijani manat (5 to 300), depending on the severity of the offense. For example, speeding can result in a fine from 20 to 150 AZN (10 to 75), not wearing a seat belt can result in a fine of 40 AZN (20), using a mobile phone while driving can result in a fine of 50 AZN (25), drunk driving can result in a fine from 100 to 600 AZN (50 to 300), etc.

<h2 The role of road police and their powers and responsibilities

The road police, or the DYPI, is a specialized department within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. The DYPI is responsible for ensuring road safety and preventing traffic accidents in Azerbaijan. The main functions of the DYPI are:

  • To control and regulate road traffic, including issuing driving licenses, registering vehicles, inspecting technical conditions of vehicles, etc.

  • To enforce traffic rules and impose fines for violations, including using speed cameras, breathalyzers, radar guns, etc.

  • To investigate and record road accidents, including collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, determining causes and liabilities, etc.

  • To provide assistance and support to traffic participants, including offering first aid, towing vehicles, directing traffic, etc.

  • To conduct awareness campaigns and education programs for drivers and pedestrians, including organizing seminars, distributing leaflets, broadcasting messages, etc.

The road police have the power and authority to stop any vehicle or person on the road for inspection or questioning. They can also issue tickets or warnings for traffic violations, or detain or arrest offenders for serious offenses. The road police are required to wear uniforms and badges, and to carry identification cards and service weapons. The road police are also obliged to act in accordance with the law and respect the rights and dignity of traffic participants.

The statistics and trends of road traffic accidents and fatalities in Azerbaijan

Road traffic accidents are a major public health and social problem in Azerbaijan. According to the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan (SSCA), there were 4,372 road accidents in 2019, resulting in 759 deaths and 5,015 injuries. This means that on average, there were 12 road accidents per day, 2 deaths per day, and 14 injuries per day. The number of road accidents in 2019 was 3.6% lower than in 2018, but the number of deaths was 1.9% higher than in 2018. The number of injuries was 4.4% lower than in 2018.

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The main causes of road accidents in Azerbaijan are human factors, such as speeding, drunk driving, distracted driving, violating traffic rules, etc. According to the SSCA, speeding was the cause of 1,590 road accidents (36.4% of the total) in 2019, resulting in 304 deaths (40% of the total) and 1,798 injuries (35.9% of the total). Drunk driving was the cause of 271 road accidents (6.2% of the total) in 2019, resulting in 51 deaths (6.7% of the total) and 328 injuries (6.5% of the total). Distracted driving was the cause of 246 road accidents (5.6% of the total) in 2019, resulting in 41 deaths (5.4% of the total) and 298 injuries (5.9% of the total).

The distribution of road casualties by age, gender, and road user type shows that young males are the most vulnerable group on the roads. According to the SSCA, males accounted for 82.7% of the deaths and 75.3% of the injuries in road accidents in 2019. Females accounted for 17.3% of the deaths and 24.7% of the injuries in road accidents in 2019. The age group of 25-34 years old had the highest number of deaths (207) and injuries (1,331) in road accidents in 2019. The age group of 15-24 years old had the second highest number of deaths (145) and injuries (1,030) in road accidents in 2019. The age group of over 65 years old had the lowest number of deaths (38) and injuries (206) in road accidents in 2019. Drivers accounted for 43.6% of the deaths and 47.8% of the injuries in road accidents in 2019. Passengers accounted for 32% of the deaths and 31.7% of the injuries in road accidents in 2019. Pedestrians accounted for 24.4% of the deaths and 20.5% of the injuries in road accidents in 2019. The initiatives and projects for enhancing road safety in Azerbaijan

In order to improve road safety and reduce traffic a


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